We are the youth of Sheshegwaning First Nation (SFN). SFN is a community located on Manitoulin Island, Ontario, and we have an on-reserve population of about 140 with our off- reserve membership reaching around 500 people. We are a small tight knit community and although sometimes we can be divided, we the youth are turning that around. We are an Odawa Nation, but we do have some Potawatomi and Ojibwe Nations here as well.
Although the youth haven't worked together on a project like this before, we have had many discussions about making a difference here in Sheshegwaning and have been involved in a few other programs through our community Health Centre such as Right to Play and CLAW. A few members of our initiative have worked on other projects together including collecting oral histories, creating Farmers' Markets and more. Our goal is making positive and impactful changes for our community.
We realize that now is the time for change and what better way to do that than getting right down into the roots of our culture and who we are, literally. We have a vision of creating a Land Based Learning Initiative available for all community members regardless of age. Throughout the year, we will reintegrate key activities and knowledge of who we are as a Nation, community, and as a people. This year we will begin establishing a foundation with hopes to grow and add more teachings and activities over the next few years. Our community needs this because our culture is our identity and the reintegration of it will bring purpose, hope, and belonging back to our members.